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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Street Fighter EX 3

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Game Name : Street Fighter EX 3
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-02-16 03:30:10
Views : 24536

Play as Evil Ryu
Successfully complete original mode with Ryu eight times without continuing. Highlight Ryu, then hold Select and press X, Square, or Circle at the character selection screen.

Play as Bison II
Successfully complete original mode with M. Bison (Vega) eight times without continuing. Highlight M. Bison, then hold Select and press X, Square, or Circle at the character selection screen.

Play as Narrator Sakura
Successfully complete original mode with Sakura eight times without continuing. Highlight Sakura, then press Select at the character selection screen.

Bonus characters
Successfully complete original mode with a regular character without continuing on the normal or hard difficulty setting to unlock one of the hidden characters. Another character will be unlocked each time the game is completed. Note: A different character must be used to complete the game to unlock a new hidden character.

Meteor Tags combos
These combos can only be performed with certain combinations of characters. They require a Tag Gauge and a level 3 Super Combo Gauge. Here are some of the characters combinations with their moves. The commands are listed assuming the characters are facing to the right.

Tag Team: Zangief and Darun Mister

Character who performs the move: Any of them
Combo: A 360° Motion two times + KKK
Tag Team: Ryu and Ken

Character who performs the move: Ken
Combo: Quarter Circle Back two times + PPP
Tag Team: Chun-Li and Guile

Character who performs the move: Guile
Combo: Hold Back (Charge), Forward, Back, Forward + PPP
Tag Team: Ryu and Sakura

Character who performs the move: Sakura
Combo: Low Punch, Low Punch, Back, Low Kick, High Punch
Tag Team: Nanase and Hokuto

Character who performs the move: Nanase
Combo: Low Punch, Low Punch, Back, Low Kick, High Punch
Tag Team: Kairi and Hokuto

Character who performs the move: Hokuto
Before you perform the command with her, you must do her Kakusei (Trance) first.
The move is Quarter Circle Forward two times + K.
Combo: Low Punch, Low Punch, Back, Low Kick, High Punch
Tag Team: Blanka and Dhalsim

Character who performs the move: Blanka
Combo: Hold Back (charge), Forward, Back, Forward + PPP
Tag Team: Jack and Vulcano Rosso

Character who performs the move: Jack
Combo: Hold Back (charge), Forward, Back, Forward + PPP
Tag Team: Pullum Puruna and Darun Mister

Character who performs the move: Pullum Puruna
Combo: Quarter Circle Back two times + PPP

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